Manchester is a great place to live, to work and to thrive. One of the fastest growing cities in Europe, we are an energetic, diverse and creative place.
However we want an even better Manchester, a prosperous, fairer more equal place, where every child has the best start in life, that creates new and exciting opportunities for Manchester people.
A place where everyone can live happy and healthy lives, with good jobs, in clean and green and safe neighbourhoods, where everyone has a decent and genuinely affordable home.
A city where no one is left behind, and everyone is proud of. This is the Manchester residents tell us they want and a reality we are working together to build.
Over a decade of austerity has been forced on us by Tory & Liberal Democrat politicians. The money, power and opportunities stolen from our city, first by the Coalition and now by the current cold, uncaring Tory Government mean we cannot do everything we would want to do.
Our budget for this year is £443 million lower in real terms than it was in 2010. Over £120,000 a day has been taken from Manchester, every day, for the last 12 years. These cuts are politically motivated and deliberately targeted at the areas of greatest need, at Labour cities like Manchester. Even with only the average cut, Manchester would be £1.5 million a week better off. Now the Tories want to increase the burden on household budgets by forcing up the regressive Council Tax and National Insurance to cover up their economic failures.
Despite this, Manchester Labour has always stood up for Manchester and delivered on your top priorities.
Our five pledges are:
1: Standing by your side through the Cost of Living crisis.
2: Creating great places to live.
3: Building the homes that our city needs.
4: Opportunities for all: The best place to grow up and get on.
5: A greener, more sustainable Manchester.
These pledges our underpinned by our unwavering commitment to good quality local services, in a well run city. A city that puts people at the heart of all that we do.
You can view our plan and Manifesto to fight for a fairer, greener Manchester here.