We are sorry to report that Councillor Sue Murphy, Deputy Leader of Manchester City Council, has died from an ongoing illness.
Sue, who was first elected to Manchester City Council in 1995, had been Deputy Leader of the Council since 2010 and before that served as Executive Member for Employment and Skills and Executive Member for Finance.
She served the city in a range of other capacities including being on the board of Manchester Health and Care Commissioning Group and as chair of trustees for the We Love Manchester Emergency Fund established after the 22 May 2017 terror attack.
She was also chair of governors of the LTE Group, which includes Manchester College.
Sue died from an ongoing illness which was not coronavirus-related.
Sir Richard Leese, Leader of Manchester City Council, said: “Today Manchester has lost a great socialist and public servant who has dedicated her life to social justice and making the city, and the world, a better and fairer place for everybody – but especially those with the greatest needs,” said Sir Richard.
“Over the years she has taken on many roles locally and nationally, including some of the most challenging issues we face as a society – tackling homelessness and the scourge of family poverty being just part of her council portfolio.
“I have lost a friend and colleague who has been alongside me for over a quarter of a century, for the last ten years as my deputy leader.
“The loss is a devastating shock. I will miss Sue, Manchester will miss Sue, but we can only imagine the feelings of her husband Paul and her family at the moment and, above all, my thoughts are with them.”